The slideshows of photos for the 3 books are controlled by the Master Slider plugin, which appears toward the bottom in the left column of the WP admin panel. In the list, you can see collections of slides for each book. To edit any of the slideshows, click on its name in the list.
Here are some pointers for when you’re editing a slideshow:
- to add a slide: click on the + Add Slide icon, choose the slide (either upload new photo or select from Media Library), set Fillmode to Fit (accessible in Background tab under the row of slides), add caption (accessible in Slide Info tab under the row of slides)
- to edit caption: highlight slide (highlighted slide has blue bar, not gray), click on Slide Info tab under the row of slides, then change caption in text area below
- to rearrange the order: click and hold on a slide, then move to the desired position
- to remove a slide: click on the trashcan for that slide